Monday, 15 November 2010

Fall 2010

Grace has been growing and growing.. she speaks in full sentences and her current favorite saying is “not funny”.  For Halloween she was a fairy and Buzz Lightyear, since her favorite movies are Toy Story 2 and 3.  She also likes Happy Feet, and loves penguins.  Her hair is curly as can be, and she will tell you when her “hair hurts” Smile100_0211100_07081030101656c1031101713a

Saturday, 9 October 2010

Been awhile..again

Fall is coming and Grace is growing everyday.  I returned from the honeymoon to see her on her new toy. Thanks to her Uncle Josh deploying to Cuba, his motorcycle is now so much fun.100_0695100_0693

Wednesday, 21 July 2010

Wednesday, 23 June 2010

She’s 2!

Sure enough, Grace turned two at the beginning of the month.  She acts like she is twenty though :)  Her vocabulary increases everyday, and she now speaks mostly in full sentences.  Today she said “Where did he go?” regarding her cousin Daniel.  He turns five tomorrow and we will be celebrating at Noble Park’s pool, so get ready for the “wah der”.

Here are some photos from her grandparents visit earlier this month.

Mum and Dad (ski) June'2010 016 Mum and Dad (ski) June'2010 046

Mum and Dad (ski) June'2010 102 Mum and Dad (ski) June'2010 114

Friday, 2 April 2010

Easter party at daycare

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Grace loved playing outside after their Easter egg hunt.  Sitting with her on the “bus” are her best friends Laylay and Destini. According to their teachers, these three are the mother hens of the class- love to wipe other kids noses and check diapers for any messes:)

Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Been awhile

I have recently realized that I have been seriously lacking on updating Grace's blog. My apologies, we have had a busy few months. Between visiting England and making wedding plans, my duties have slacked just a bit.

We had an AWESOME time in England and we really, really, really want to go back. Grace would now have a dog to play with and boy does she love her animals. She definitely gets that from her dad :) At home, we have a beagle mix "Molly" that absolutely adores Grace. Every morning before we head off to daycare, Grace yells for "Malll eeee" to come. Sure enough, she shows up to walk Grace to the car. Also since the weather has started to become nicer, Grace will try to run around with her and she gets mad when Molly takes off ahead. Those two are a sight:)

We ordered Grace's flower girl dress last week. I told the lady at the store she would be a 3T. Then she said we better take measurements when I mentioned Grace had a bit of a 'Buddha Belly'. Grace didn't really care too much for her measurements to be taken. Anyways, I am including some photos of the dresses she tried on. Of course she looked adorable in them all, but we actually settled on one that she didn't try on so Aaron will still be surprised:)

Monday, 15 February 2010

Grace is 20.5 months old:)