Thursday, 8 January 2009

She's trying to move!

Grace has gotten down the whole "moving backwards" but forwards is proving a little more difficult. I have been trying to entice her with toys, food, and dancing but nothing has worked yet. She just gets rocking back and forth, laughs at me, and proceeds to lay down on her tummy.

We did go to the library for the first time today. I was looking for baby sign language or baby can read (have you seen the infomercials?) dvds but no luck. However, when I went to the computer to look up where the material might be, the list of recommended books on the side of the page was headlined with The Story of Edgar Sawtelle: A Novel by David Wroblewski..... to my dismay, it had already been checked out, but I was like whoa:)

I've also included my favorite Christmas photo of her- she's in the outfit Poppa T bought her on Christmas Eve.

1 comment:

  1. She has such a big smile. I see her smile all the time, but that is the best.
