The ice storm hit Kentucky pretty hard- and I think the far western part of the state was hit the hardest. We had no power-which meant no water from our well- and no phone service- cell or land. The first night was fine but the second one lead to a tree into my windshield and about six trees down in less than a quarter mile. Fortunately, my sisters had water and we filled up. I then traveled with my brother to Paducah, the oasis of electricity, to wait outside the Wal Mart to get diapers- and wouldn't you know it, no Huggies in size 4, but no complaints as Pampers were still available!! I got cell phone service on Friday and texted John, Grace's godfather, and he graciously borrowed Penrod's X Terra and picked us up. We are camping with several other college friends from Muhlenburg and Hopkins counties. It seems we are going to have an improvised Super Bowl party!
Alas, all the family is fine. Dad got a generator yesterday and is working the well and small appliances. We did have a wood burning stove so we were always warm enough, just heating a bottle is not convenient:) We did get the radio working and were able to listen to the local NBC station- where instead of telling you what was closed, they told you what was open and where gas,kerosene, and propane were available. And because the main line from TVA is down, it will be 2 weeks-1 month before power returns. I should be outta here by then and off to merry ole England!!