This weekend we took her Daddy to the airport after two wonderful weeks of vacation. We celebrated her birthday with way too many presents (as it should be) and some yummy cake. Since her favorite show is Wheel of Fortune, her cousin made her a cake in the form a wheel. At first she just licked the icing until I showed her how to dig in. I also made cupcake cones that she suprisingly ate but the cake was too much fun to play in. I believe "Bankrupt" was her favorite wedge , seeing as the black is most prominent:)
Then she unwrapped her big present from Daddy- a little tykes cozy car! It took her about 15 minutes and then she knew how to get in and out of it and scoot backwards. Thanks to Auntie Dawn, she has a personalized licence plate too.
She is still learning on how to walk, and will go around the living room in laps with some help. Grace is making great strides and will hopefully hit the ground running soon.
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