Monday, 27 July 2009

Recovery: Week 2

Another week down and four more to go. We went to Nashville for an appointment in the Infectious Disease department this past Friday. They liked her progress and barring anything else, the picc line should hopefully be removed on time. August 4th we go to the Neurology clinic for an EMG so fingers crossed that will also go well. She is moving more everyday, the improvement is very impressive in such a short time. Grace is starting to walk with help, but only a few steps.

Tuesday, 21 July 2009

Recovery: Week 1

Wow it has been a busy week here. I think last Thursday was the only day that someone didn't come or go from the house. We have seen the physical therapist a couple times, been interviewed and evaluated for the First Steps program, and countless nurses who try desperately to get Grace's blood to check the inflamation and vancomycin levels. Nurse Tristan seems to be the only one who can get it- and we love her for it! Tomorrow is more physical therapy and I think we might have the afternoon free. Hope to update you soon, but Grace is wanting to go to bed.

Sunday, 12 July 2009

We are home!

I apologize for not getting on sooner, but Grace got to come home on Tuesday after the 5 day course of IVIG treatment for Guillien-Barre. We have been trying to get use to being at home and on a schedule for her antibotics for the diskitis that will be coming through the PICC line for the next six weeks. Daddy has been a real trooper- been getting up and giving her early morning dose so I can get some sleep. She is getting back to her appetite- loving Auntie Kim's beans and burgers.
Thank you to everyone who has kept us in their thoughts and prayers. Aaron, Grace, and I could not have gotten through the past couple of weeks without it.

Here are just a few pictures- one of her after having the IV put in her foot (the veins in her arms went bad) and the other on the 4th of July with a yummy cupcake brought up by the hospital staff. She got to go out for her first social outing yesterday at

Auntie Dawn's Independence Day celebration (postponed due to Grace's hospitilization). She had a great time- but got a little sleepy towards the end.

Tuesday, 7 July 2009

are going to show us soon how to take care of the PICC line as well as physical therapists to show us exercises to help her learn how to walk again.
The IVIG treatment for Guillien Barre syndrome was completed this morning. We are now clear to go home, pending the establishment of home healthcare. The nurses

Monday, 6 July 2009

de him smile. And she didn't scream when I helped her sit up! Its a glorious day.
Best day yet! Grace got the picc line in with no problems, which is great since the poor girl was running out of veins. She played with Poppa T for a bit and ma

Sunday, 5 July 2009

hing we do is helping. And the therapist will be here tomorrow too- oh the joy.
We were doing just fine today, until the physial therapist came by and woke her up for a short evaluation. Now she is having trouble going back to sleep and not

Saturday, 4 July 2009

el climb into the crib and watch movies with her. She is also trying to roll over and keep her head up- all promising signs.
Grace is feeling better today, less irritable and smiling more. Antibotics and a medicine to help the tingling is working like a charm. She even let cousin Dani

Friday, 3 July 2009

Her appetite is returning a bit, but only soft foods and juices. Everytime she coughs it makes her throat hurt. Daddy will be here late tomorrow, we can't wait.
Infectious disease people believe Grace has diskitis between her L4 and L5 bones. She is now being treated for both.
Finished the first round of treatment with no change so far, but not uncommon for that to occur. She ate some teddy grahams and is now watching sesame street.
d her on IVIG-antibodies- to counter act those being produced by the syndrome. It is treatable and she should be back to normal in up to 5 weeks.
Doctors believe she has Gillian-Barre(?) syndrome, a post infection ailment that strips the coating off the nerves causing them to not act properly. They starte

Thursday, 2 July 2009

Tests complete. After 7 hours, Grace and I are finally settled in our new room on the 7th floor. Doctors are consulting now and I hope to have an answer soon.
Waiting for sedation to come for the MRI. The process sould take about 2 hours. Then she will go for an EMG that tests her muscle strength.

Wednesday, 1 July 2009

No MRI today, scheduled in for tomorrow. They did give her another spinal tap to look for proteins and infections. Grace was excellent, of course, and then ate
all of her jello afterwards! They are monitoring her now, and hope to know smthg more when the test results come back tomorrow.
ping now. It seems to be the best way to pass the time. But the hospital is beautiful and full of activities. The nurse and care partner (aka: cna) are great.
Still no word, waiting for Grace to digest her food so they can sedate her for a MRI. Aunt Kim gave her a sponge bath and put on some new pjs. They are both nap
Arrived to Vandy and were switched to 2 rooms before getting a bed in oncology. No one is sure what ailment Grace has, so running a battery of more tests.