Sunday, 12 July 2009

We are home!

I apologize for not getting on sooner, but Grace got to come home on Tuesday after the 5 day course of IVIG treatment for Guillien-Barre. We have been trying to get use to being at home and on a schedule for her antibotics for the diskitis that will be coming through the PICC line for the next six weeks. Daddy has been a real trooper- been getting up and giving her early morning dose so I can get some sleep. She is getting back to her appetite- loving Auntie Kim's beans and burgers.
Thank you to everyone who has kept us in their thoughts and prayers. Aaron, Grace, and I could not have gotten through the past couple of weeks without it.

Here are just a few pictures- one of her after having the IV put in her foot (the veins in her arms went bad) and the other on the 4th of July with a yummy cupcake brought up by the hospital staff. She got to go out for her first social outing yesterday at

Auntie Dawn's Independence Day celebration (postponed due to Grace's hospitilization). She had a great time- but got a little sleepy towards the end.

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