Daniel refused to walk to the store, so he carried Grace in the stroller! lol

Talking to daddy on the computer.. he was sending loads of winks that she loved.

Sitting by her own for the first time since being in the hospital.
We haven't disappeared, just busy busy bees.
Miss Grace is moving right along!! She has made about a step and a half in the last week by herself. All her moving abilities have returned, now its time to work on stamina and endurance. She has been grabbing fingers and making everyone walk her when she wants to go somewhere. It can sometimes be mistaken as wanting to be held, but she will fuss at you if you are doing in wrong.
Her speech abilities were in question after an evaluation a few weeks ago, but after talking to the doctor- I have no worries. Dr. Hughes examined the ears and didn't see anything that would hinder her hearing. However, a hearing test is scheduled for next week just to make sure and have a baseline for any future checkups.
Thursday is the big day- MRI and a clinic appointment. We hope to learn if the PICC line can be pulled and when. I have learned that a nurse can do it, so we won't have to make a trip back to Nashville for the simple procedure. It's starting to look up!